Thursday, June 10, 2010

TextWrangler: More Than Just a Text Editor [Top 10 Mac Apps for Windows Switchers]

TextWrangler is a free general-purpose text editor from Bare Bones Software. You may ask why do you need this, since OS X includes TextEdit? Well, TextEdit is a nice tool but I find it limited with a few annoying "features". The first being that it always opens in a small window. The other is that it's default is to save everything as rich text. Yes, I know that you can change this, but why should I have to. I guess you could say that TextEdit is Apple's answer to WordPad on Windows. 

What make TextWrangler unique is that besides being a general-purpose text editor it's a programmers friend supporting syntax coloring and function navigation. It's also fully integrated into OS X and supports FTP/SFTP for opening and saving files on servers.  The full feature list is too long to list here, so click here for more details. 

I would also like to mention two great low cost alternatives, TextMate and TextWrangler's big brother BBEdit . Check them out if you are looking for more in an editor. 

More: Top 10 Mac Apps for Windows Switchers

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