Sunday, June 6, 2010

Swap Control and Command Keys On a Non-Mac Keyboard

Here's a quick tip for new Hackintosh users migrating from Windows to Mac.  If you're used to hitting Ctrl-X for cut, Ctrl-C for copy and Ctrl-V for paste, and your Hack now has you flustered, here's what to do.

1. Go into System Preferences/Keyboard.

2. Choose Modifier Keys... in the lower right corner.

3, Then just swap Control Key and Command Key.

That's all folks!



  1. Sweet little trick. I use this to map my Logitech keyboard so that the key labels match what the keys transmit.

  2. Great trick! I switched from a Mac keyboard (A Mac user) to a windows keyboard, and suddenly the Command and option key flipped! In Tiger, BTW, the button is right underneath the"Type here to test settings" box.



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